Making the Grade: A Comic on Academic Integrity


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Ozzy and Daisy, the characters in Making the Grade, are confronted with the issue of academic integrity, and the ethics involved in their decision-making. What will they each decide when cheating for better grades is proposed? 

The educational setting will hold many challenges for students - some academic, some economic, and quite often, those that confront the ethical systems students were raised on. 

This inevitably puts into question, “Do students understand the deep impact their choices will have upon them and others?” Our goal is to help students explore their own ethics, choose right over wrong, and be responsible for the consequences of those choices.

To do so, students need to develop a value system that enables them to recognize how they affect others, to consider the consequences of their acts, and to adopt a mature set of goals. This can be achieved with consistent reinforcement in education--at all levels of schooling.

Making the Grade is a collaboration between the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission and Creative Studios at The University of Texas at El Paso.


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Use our comic to set the context for discussing academic integrity in the classroom. Have students identify the forms of academic dishonesty revealed in the narrative of the comic to reflect and write about the ethics that are compromised--relating this to their own experiences.